What’s Trending: IPhone X

Image result for IPHONE X


Normally I talk about fashion related topics on here but I think the IPhone X deserves to be apart of “ What’s Trending”. The IPhone X was released on November 3rd and has been purchased by so many people, including me. I pre-ordered mine on October 27th and my mom told me it wasn’t coming until December 1st because it was back ordered. I believed her because new IPhones always get back ordered somehow. So last Tuesday I get to my room and see a package on my bed. It was my IPhone X and I couldn’t be more excited. The IPhone X has 2 different amounts of gigabytes, a 64 gig and 256 gigs. I bought the 256 because I was already using 55 gig’s on my other phone and I wasn’t going to take any chances. The 64 gigabyte retails for $999.00 and the 256 gigabyte retails for $1,149.00. The phone has a completely new design now. There’s no home button but there’s face ID, the camera is on the left side but vertical instead of horizontal, and there are only two colors, silver and space grey. The phone is also all screen like a Galaxy, which is really hard to get used to. It has the same functions as the older IPhones so the only thing really different about the phone is the design. I also heard the battery life is better but I haven’t seen that yet because I’m constantly on social media all day which kills my battery. There are so many more cool details about it but I feel like I won’t do the phone any justice. So here’s a link to Apple’s website https://www.apple.com/iphone-x/ . You can learn all about the phone from there.

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